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How to make me feel special.
December 18, 2003, 6:50 p.m.
Music: None


I feel very special right now.

There's this guy I have been talking to over MSN. We'll call him Tristan, just because I really like that name and I don't want to use his real name. So, Tristan and I have been talking for two days now, which isn't very long. He lives really close to where Erin and I work.

Anyhow, I was talking to him this morning before I left and we were talking about how I have to take the bus and how I can't drive -- those types of things. Eventually, he said he was going to go for a bike ride because it was such a nice day out, so we got off MSN.

So, at about... oh 1:45 pm, after I was at work for about forty-five minutes this guy walked in.

I sort of recongized him but, you know, I see a lot of people everyday with that sort of job.

We both say "Hello" to each other and then he comes up to the counter and hands me a chocolate bar from this little place that makes them just up the street from the coffee place.

"This is for Laura. Are you Laura?" He asks.

"Yes..." I say to him.

He grins at me, "That is for your bus ride home. Sorry it's a bit squashed."

I smiled widely at him. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. I should go now though," He tells me, then walks to the door.

I walk into the office to put it in my purse.

"Hey," He calls from the door. I peeked my head around the door frame. "You're even cuter in life than you are in your pictures."

"Thanks." I replied.

He smiled at me once more then went outside.

Seconds later, I see him on his bike riding the opposite way.

As soon as I couldn't see him anymore, I started giggling and dancing around the office.

Then, of course, I called Erin.

So, that's my story of the day. It made me feel very special. I don't know how else to explain it.

I e-mailed him to thank him because he's not currently online.

We'll see where this goes...
